Saturday, August 14, 2021

Your Fundraising Well will run dry if you don't heed this warning!!!

I’ve seen it time and time again.  I’ve warned them, shouted it from the rooftops and watched as the stream of money from the fundraising well slowed to a trickle then stopped – the well ran dry.  I've watched as my clients continue to ask for money even after they hosted a highly successful fundraiser.  They believe that people will continue to give. 

Before I begin, let me ask you a simple question:

Lets say a friend asked to borrow $20.00, you give it to them because you want to help them.  A week or so goes by and the friend returns asking for another $20.00.  You oblige them yet again.  The following week or so, they come back and ask again.  Are you going to give it to them?  Are you going to ask what they are doing with your money?  What will you do?  I can guarantee you won’t give it to them this time around.

Everyone in the world would do the same – BUT – why don’t charities think like this? 


Just as if you are getting water from a well and not giving it enough time to replenish itself, the same holds true with fundraising.  The more you ask for money and the more fundraisers you host, soon your well will run dry.

First you must understand that people are getting absolutely “BOMBARDED” by charities, not just yours, asking for money.  As it seems, everywhere you go charities are asking you donate to them.  Some have huge budgets so they can spend an enormous amount of money trying to raise money.  But unfortunately, that’s not you or your charity.

I’ve seen clients and friends go to the fundraising well over and over again.  I’ve told them, I’ve warned them “Only host a few fundraisers a year – host an “A” event and a “B” event and that’s it” – but they don’t listen.

What happens is their ego gets pumped up and they begin to think that every time they host a fundraiser, it’s going to be successful…they are wrong. 

The more you ask, the less you will get.  It will become harder and harder to raise money.  More is not better, it’s less.  Charities or organizations should invest their time wisely in one or two major fundraisers then leave it sit.  Put all your energy into raising as much money as possible with those events.  But by all means, DO NOT continue to go to the fundraising well over and over and over again. 

People will get tired of you and your charity asking for money, in fact, you will inevitably push them away from you because you’re always trying to reach into their pockets.


My best advice I can give you is that you do not let your ego get in the way – think clearly and remember how you would react if someone or a charity came to you over and over again asking for money. 

Continue to go to the well, soon it will run dry…then you only can blame yourself if your fundraising well runs dry.

BW Unlimited Charity Fundraising is a North American Charity Fundraising leader in a convenient “One Stop Shop” setting.  Contact us at  

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