Sunday, December 16, 2018
David Taylor - my friend, my brother and truly an inspiration
I am
blessed. There are people who come into
your life for no apparent reason, this is the story of one such man who has
truly become an inspiration in my life.
Several years ago, through Facebook, an auctioneer from South Carolina
named David Taylor reached out to me to talk about working together in his home
state of South Carolina. We shared two
common bonds that took our conversation from just acquaintances to being
friends, not only were we in the Auction World but both of us had been former
Law Enforcement. That “Thin Blue Line”
bond was what truly became our bond since we had both lived a life of service
to our state and country.
We spoke
over the phone, through text messages and facebook messenger. For several months we planned and shared
auction “War Stories.” He introduced me
to several people who lived in and around Maryland who he knew. I had never truly met David but from hearing
his voice and reading his words, I could easily tell he is one of the rare “True
Blue” kind people you rarely come across.

suddenly, as it seems, all the prayers for David were answered. David had came out of the coma and his long
road to recovery had begun. What a
powerful message. What a warrior, I was
so proud of him. I watched as he pushed
himself to be back again to the man he was.
David Taylor
is a very proud and humble man but his inner strength brought him back to his
feet. When I could, we spoke and he told
me the story. I am so proud of him, the
man I knew showed me how our inner strength and faith can be victories over the
worst battles.

David is now back to our world, back to the life which seemed to be taken away. David my friend, you are a true inspiration to me. You showed me that we can get back onto our knees, stand back up after being knocked down and facing death. If you my friend can win that battle alone with the prayers and tears of family and friends, we can recover from anything we endure.
Thank you
for being my friend and being in my life.
You are truly an inspiration to me each and every day and I feel blessed
to call you my friend.
Your friend,
Thursday, November 22, 2018
BREAKING NEWS!!! "Paying It Forward Fundraising"

is “Paying It Forward Fundraising”? Over
the past several years, many people have come to me and said that we should
start placing Silent Auctions in restaurants, hotels and businesses. But, due to our rapidly expanding company and
time being a very precious commodity; we weren’t in a position to move forward
with it.
recently, I met a fantastic family who are from Utah & Idaho – The Pierce’s. After meeting with Brad Peirce, I could see
the fire and passion in his eyes to help our company help charities all across
North America. He quickly began to help
charities in Idaho and wanted to learn more.
I was then introduced to his family.
They too wanted to help and were passionate about doing whatever they
could to be a part of our company. There
was no better group of fine, good hearted people to help launch this platform
across the United States.

the charity or business owner should do, but does not have to, is to promote
the Silent Auction. Since it benefits
our charity partners, the charity should promote the Silent Auction to their
supporters and through the Social Networks.
That’s it.
“Paying It Forward Fundraising” Auction will be set up for at least two (2)
weeks. Our staff will monitor and
collect the bid sheets, contact the buyers, process the payments and ship out
the items to all the winning bidders.
100% of the proceeds then go directly to the charity.

you are interested in having a “Paying It Forward Fundraising” Silent Auction
at your business, or if you are a charity and would like for us to help you
with an auction or auctions, contact us at,
we would love to help.
Unlimited Charity Fundraising is a North American Charity Fundraising leader in
a “One Stop Shop” convenient setting. We
offer a wide array of services including a full scale Fundraising Event
Planning service, “No Risk Auction Items” and now our newest platform “Paying
It Forward Fundraising.” There is no
finer company across North America that offers so much for the 104 million
charities. To learn more or to ask for
our help, contact us at
Sunday, November 18, 2018
The importance of Venue: Why is the place you have your fundraiser important?
Before we
start, I am intentionally making this vague as possible based on the fact that
after I either write a blog or publish a video blog, I always get phone calls
asking “Are you talking about us?” Me
being me, I always say “Why Yes Alice, I am talking about you but I didn’t say
your name.”
Over the
past several months, I have had the opportunity to attend several events or
help several charities with their events where they either did not follow my
advice or they had already selected the venue prior to speaking or hiring
What most charities don't realize or refuse to believe is that hosting your fundraising event at a "Less Than" venue greatly reduces the success of your fundraising efforts. Affluent or wealthy people will not want to go and large financial sponsors will not be interested solely based on where you are hosting it. The venue speaks volumes about your charity and the guests.
On one
occasion, while speaking to people in the crowd, they complained about the
bathroom toilets not flushing or the lines to get food were entirely too
long. They were right, because I myself
stood in the line for 10 minutes then decided I would come back later after
everyone got their dinners. The acoustics
were absolutely horrible, not understanding a word anyone said on the
microphone, the lighting was horrible and the food, well it was ok at best (and
that is being generous).
This seems
to be a trend though. Charities,
especially the smaller ones, do not understand the absolute importance of the “Place”
(aka Venue) where they have their event.
I’m tired of hearing “People that are here won’t pay an additional
$10.00 or $20.00 for a better place.”
That is entirely false. The
people at the fundraising event that are there won’t pay the additional $10.00
or $20.00 for the place they are currently at – BUT they most certainly will at
a much nicer venue. It’s worth it and
they know that.
Now how does
a bad “Place/Venue” affect spending?
People come there, the place is bad, the food is ok but nothing special…do
you think they are ready to open their wallets? No, they tend to feel robbed because they paid
for their ticket and because the Venue is bad, they will always feel “I spent
A bad venue
shuts them down mentally even before the fundraising begins.
In the
reverse, do you know why a very nice venue promotes higher spending? The answer is in the question. I have personally been to many of the best
steakhouses in the country and paid ridiculous amounts of money for a meal and
especially the steak. I’m here to tell
you, the steak at the “Texas Roadhouse” or a similar restaurant is just as good
and much less expensive.
Why do
people pay more? Because of the
venue. The “Ambience” demands a higher
price, people are willing to pay more.

The proof is
always very easy. I will often ask the
client what their “Net” or Profit was at the “Less than” venue – I will always
hear a very small number. Every time
they argue against moving to a nicer venue, I point at their “Net.”
To prove
this to you – how many guests came to your last event? Let’s say 300 people for this example. What was your “Net” (Don’t lie because you’re
only lying to yourself here)? Do you
know the national norm for successful fundraising begins at $100.00 a head, “Net”? That means if you had 300 people, you should
have made at the very least, $30,000.00.
Did you? Were you close at
least? No? Well, its time to make changes, most
important is to find a better Venue.
People will pay more for a nicer place, you already know that
though. On your wedding anniversary, do
you go to McDonalds or to a nice restaurant?
What a nice
venue allows you, as the charity, to do is to put more margin (Profit) on the
ticket price because the venue is much better. A much nicer menu with much better food will dictate the amount of profit you will ultimately make. Plus the presentation of everything will impress your guests. What's the old saying "The quickest way to a mans heart is through his stomach" - the same holds true to the quickest way to his or her wallet is to take care of their appetites. Give them a great menu and drinks in a very nice place and they will be much more apt to spend or donate more to your charity. I'm not guessing this, I'm telling you it's fact!!!
Take a leap
of faith and try it…you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about.
We, BW
Unlimited Charity Fundraising, would love to help you plan your next fundraising
event. BW Unlimited Charity Fundraising
it a leading charity fundraising company in North America and the only full
scale Charity Fundraising Event planning company in the world. Contact us at
Friday, November 9, 2018
Saturday, October 20, 2018
COUNTERFEIT ALERT: Charity Autograph Counterfeiter revealed and reported by “Inside Edition.”
What does “Autograph Authenticity”
mean to you? A lesson for Charity
Fundraisers. Why am I writing this? Because we want to protect you - teach you and your charity. Do we want to drive more business to us - of course BUT...the truth of the matter is, revealing that there are counterfeiters out there may drive people away. But at least I'll be able to sleep at night.
Unfortunately, like everywhere, there
are a few companies who are documented Autograph Counterfeiters and one of
which, was actually the subject of an “Inside Edition” story. This company, located on the east coast, has
been providing autographed items but in this case, an autographed Country Music
Legends Guitar, for many years and also has a company providing very similar
items. The company which was the target
of the investigation, had provided what was said to be a “Country Music Legends
autographed Guitar.”
Inside Edition investigators posed as
a charity and ordered many guitars such as Paul McCartney, Bruce Springsteen,
Pink Floyd and of course, the Country Music Legends guitar. However, the investigation revealed that one
of the autographs was Tammy Wynette.
Unfortunately, Tammy Wynette died in 1998 but the guitar was made in
2013. Ms. Wynette (as said by the
reporter) would have had to come back from the dead to sign the guitar. The investigation revealed that all the
guitars they received were counterfeit autographs.
If you would like to watch the story –
here is the link:
However, these counterfeiters aren’t
stupid – the items come with a Certificate of Authenticity verifying that they
are real.
Do you think they care that they are scamming and stealing from a charity?
The company in question then said there is no real way to prove that an autograph is real - BullShi@t !!! All the guitars were returned by the company, however, charities are still utilizing the items.
Do you think they care that they are scamming and stealing from a charity?
The company in question then said there is no real way to prove that an autograph is real - BullShi@t !!! All the guitars were returned by the company, however, charities are still utilizing the items.
I hear you “Why aren’t they going to
jail?” “Why isn’t anyone doing anything
about it?” I hear you and believe me, I’ve
been screaming the same thing for years.
But I am going to hopefully educate you and hopefully you pass the word
around throughout the charity world.
Why do these companies routinely
change their names and web addresses?
Seriously, because they are hiding.
They have had many different names…all it takes is a little searching on
the Google and you’ll see.
Ask those companies if they have photo's of the items being signed and who the authenticators are? Are they the standards in the Memorabilia World such as JSA, PSA/DNA, Becket or Steiner? No? Ruuuuuuuuuuuunnnnn !!!!
Ask those companies if they have photo's of the items being signed and who the authenticators are? Are they the standards in the Memorabilia World such as JSA, PSA/DNA, Becket or Steiner? No? Ruuuuuuuuuuuunnnnn !!!!
How to protect yourself and your charity by
spotting a Fake. Yes – authentic autographed guitars
do exist but if they are truly authentic, not only are they incredibly
expensive but they are authenticated by “Authentic Authenticators” and come
with either a photograph or video of the person actually autographing the item.
I’ve heard the argument “Well it
comes with a Certificate of Authenticity” – the reality is, anyone can also
produce a certificate of authenticity but the reality and the real question is –
“Who is the authenticator?” Real or “Authentic
Authenticators” have a track record and are widely known in the autograph
industry such as JSA, PSA/DNA, Beckett and Steiner. However, you should understand that all
counterfeiters will provide a “Fake” Certificate of Authenticity just to cover
their tracks.
Here is reality – these companies
carry autographed items which no one has other than themselves or they have
items which you may feel are acceptably expensive such as a Muhammed Ali
autographed Boxing Glove for $1,000.00.
The reality is – he died many years ago and several years prior to his
death, he could not write. His authentic
autographed boxing gloves are wholesaling for $3,000.00 or more. Plus they are extremely hard to find. Anyone who has passed away, their autographs
are extremely rare and if you do find them – well, be prepared to pay a hefty
Lebron James, Tom Brady, Michael Jordan,
Derek Jeter and iconic athlete’s such as they are – their autographs are
EXTREMELY expensive and that is why – many of us don’t carry them. They are mainly sold through a retail
ANOTHER POINT: Don’t believe the story “They are signing them at a lower price because they are meant for charities” – Bull. They could care less. They want to be paid and that’s it. Our company does 100’s of signings with athletes and they know who we are – “Pay me please.”
Ask yourself this? Why doesn’t this company sell these items in
a retail setting? If you have checked
the internet to see if you can find their items with other dealers other than
the two (2) companies who are documented forgers, why are they the only ones
who carry them?

The reality is ladies and gentlemen – many of you want to believe the fakes are real and honestly, don’t care if you are passing these frauds along. Do you know that you are then a part of a criminal conspiracy?
“All that Glitters is not Gold” – let
your gut and your conscience be your guide.
Do you want your charity featured on Inside Edition or some other
investigative TV Show like 60 Minutes? I
doubt it.
Our Guarantee:
BW Unlimited Charity Fundraising’s
guarantee is simply this – EVERYTHING autographed we carry is 100% authentic –
PERIOD. If you want to show our items to
other authenticators, please be our guests.
We don’t have life time guarantee’s – why? Because our items are REAL – why guarantee
them if they are real?
How does BW Unlimited Charity Fundraising have 100's and 1,000's of photo's with celebrities and athletes, standing with them, video's and photo's of them signing the items but the other companies don't? Well that's a CLUE or a major HINT. RUN!!!
When you go on our website, why don’t
we have pictures of all of our items shown for you to reserve? Because it’s impossible. Authentic autographed items sell quick – We,
because our items are real, don’t have an unending supply of items. Why?
Because we can’t pay someone to fake the autograph.

If you are want REAL or AUTHENTIC,
there is only ONE (1) PROVIDER to come to – BW Unlimited Charity
Fundraising. That is why we are TRUSTED
by the White House, the Armed Forces, Law Enforcement Charities, the NFL, the
NHL, the MLB etc.
If we can help you or you would like
to learn more about how to spot a counterfeit autograph, contact us at, we would love to
help. Also, please test us - ask for photo's and who our Authenticators are - WE WOULD LOVE TO SHOW YOU!!!
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Is it time to see your Doctor? Are you suffering from “Acute Fundraising Delirium” and stuck in a Fundraising Rut?
Recently, my team and
I met with a charity who is asking for our help. We are always humbled when we are asked so
meeting with them was our pleasure.
However, after speaking with them at length, I soon realized that trying
to get them to change their unsuccessful methods was going to be
difficult. In fact, one of the member
who we met with pulled me aside and said “Don’t even try getting them to
change, you’re fighting a losing battle.”
So the question remained, so how are we supposed to help them if they
refuse to change?
So in order to help
you, the reader of this Blog, here are some signs and symptoms that will help
you to determine if its time to see a Fundraising Doctor:
“Stuck in Rut”
#1 – Are you willing
to change the place or venue where you are holding your event? The
reason the venue is so important
determines the level of spending your guests will be comfortable with. Unfortunately, many unsuccessful charities
will choose a low cost venue because of their belief that it will put more
money or profit in their pocket. Sadly,
this is not the case – What charities like these do not know is that by
choosing a venue which is cheaper – the venue is cheaper for a reason. Potential guests who enjoy a fantastic night
out will never attend an event which is “Less than.” Affluent people or “Wealthy” potential guests
will never attend because if they are going to spend a night out, they want to
go somewhere nice.
#2 – Do you keep your
ticket price low thinking that it will attract more guests? Many believe this but in reality what happens
is, by lowering your ticket costs, your guests will be more than likely to
attend…eat, drink and leave without ever bidding on anything or donating in
#3 – Are you still
utilizing old fundraising methods to raise money? Are you still doing 50/50 raffles, Wheels of
any type or still filling your Silent and Live Auction with donated items? If you are, you are using very old ways to
raise money which have been beat to death.
Of course people love these raffles and the reason is, everyone loves to
win money. Do you know how profitable
these raffles are? How much work does it
take to get the prizes and what is pay off?
Understand these raffles have been used for years.
#4 – Do you believe
that your charity should use only donated items in your fundraising event? Are you and your charity convinced the “Way
to go” is to only utilize donated items in your live and silent auction? Unfortunately, its fact that donated items
are only bringing 1/8 to 1/4 of their retail price in Silent & Live
Auctions across North America. The
reason is honest and simple but are you willing to listen and be open minded? The reason that donated items do so poorly is
for three (3) reasons: 1 – Your guests
are local people, attending a local event with items donated by local
businesses. If they wanted those items,
they would have gone and bought them themselves. 2 – Today, businesses are bombarded by
charities asking for donations. Each
charity believes that they are the only one asking, however, every single local
charity has asked the same business owner.
The business owner has to be concerned about keeping their lights
on. If they do donate, they donate
something they can afford to get rid of and that isn’t selling in their
stores. 3 – Many charities believe Gift
Cards and Gift Certificates are incredible auction items but ask yourself this…how
many times have you purchased a gift card for yourself at face value – OR – How
many Gift Baskets did you give away to your family or friends for the
holidays? The answer to both is
none. Understand this – EVERYONE is
looking for a deal. Yes they will
purchase your donations but at an extremely low cost. Rarely will any pass 50% of their retail
cost. Have you thought about how that
would negatively affect the donor if he or she found out their donation did so
poorly? Do you think they would donate
#5 – What was the “Net”
or Profit from your last event? Do you
know what your event “Netted”? Now be
honest with yourself like so many who are suffering are – what was your “Net
Profit” which means how much after paying the bills did you walk away with, not
your “Gross”….your “Net”? How many
guests did you have at your event? Here
is how you can tell if your suffering – The “National Norm”, which is just the
beginning of successful fundraising, for successful fundraising is $100.00 a
head, net. So what that means is for
every guest who paid for a ticket, that person equals $100.00. So if you had 500 people, you should at the
very least had a “Net” of $50,000.00.
Did you? If you didn’t, oh boy,
you’re really sick.
#6 – Do you have an
unqualified or inexperienced person in charge of planning and hosting your
fundraiser? Do you have a volunteer or
someone on your staff who only plans one event for you a year? Are they proficient and know the current
fundraising trends? If your answer is
yes…well, your suffering.
If you answered yes
to any of these questions, seek the advice of your fundraising Doctor soon,
call today and schedule an appointment.
If you answered yes to two (2) or more, you are suffering from “Acute
Fundraising Delirium.” Good news though,
there is a cure…it may be painful, but you will definitely be cured.
How to Fight and Cure
“Acute Fundraising Delirium.”
First, you should
understand you are not alone so don’t be ashamed. Many charities are suffering and need help
but to prideful to ask. So here is the
way to cure what ails you. But before I
give you the cure, here are some points to understand so that you won’t come
down with it again.
The Venue you host
your event in is vitally, VITALLY important to your ultimate success. People love to go to a very nice place with great
food. Affluent or Wealthy people like to
be around others who have the same financial status…it’s a known fact. About your ticket, your ticket price should
be high enough to “Ward Off” the grazers, meaning people who are coming just to
eat and drink and leave. The reality is “a
cheap ticket gets you cheap people.”
Your ticket price should be high enough in order to be a “Financial
Hurdle.” If they can pay the ticket
price which you are profiting from, then they can also afford to donate or bid
on items. In your fundraising event, you
should be using four (4) fundraising platforms – Live Auction, Silent Auction,
Raffles and a direct ask for financial donations. With raffles, donated items are perfect for
this platform and will bring 10 times their retail because everyone likes to
win. Do not do raffles where you are
EVER giving money away as a prize or raffles that take too long to play. Your donations are perfect for raffles but
you should acquire consignment items for your Live & Silent Auction because
people like exciting things such as Travel Packages, Experiences, Hard to Find
Memorabilia etc. These are incredibly
profitable if used correctly and the reserve or cost is increase at least 20%
to ensure you profit 100% of the time.
Your charities “Net” should equal the national successful fundraising
norm of $100.00 a head “Net” proceeds.
There are methods to ensure you match this on your next event. If you have a volunteer or inexperienced
person in charge of your fundraiser, don’t fall for the “Oh I’ve held several
events and I’ve helped with many” plea – because you don’t know if the events
they were a part of were successful. You
need to find someone who is an expert fundraiser. There is an old saying that goes like this “If
you think hiring a professional is expensive, wait till you hire an amateur.” Oh so very true…
BW Unlimited Charity Fundraising is North America’s #1 charity fundraising firm in a “One Stop Shop”
convenient setting. BW can help you with
everything. BW is the fundraisers for
New York Cities and Washington D.C.’s elite as well as professional athletes
and celebrities while also helping the White House, the Armed Forces charities,
the NFL / MLB & NHL with their fundraising along with 1,000’s of charities
each year. We pride ourselves at normally
raising 1.5 to 3.5 times the national norm while also helping our clients host
impressive, professional events. BW also
proudly has the largest inventory of consignment items such as Charity Travel Packages, 100% authentic autographed items, Décor and beautiful jewelry which
is all provided at absolutely “NO RISK” to charities across North America. BW works with charities large and small while
specializing in helping small groups grow their fundraising to incredibly
successful levels. If you are suffering
and need a doctor, there is only one Doctor to call to cure your problems, BW
Unlimited Charity Fundraising at 443.206.6121 or go to our website at
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Sunday, September 16, 2018
The face of Charity Event Fundraising has changed
Many don’t realize that the face of
fundraising has drastically changed.
Many charities still continue to host their fundraising events as if it
was still in the 1990’s. However, with
society changing as well as the amount of charities rising across the nation to
over 104 Million registered U.S. Non Profits, in order to get people’s
attention and ultimately, financial donations and support – Charity Fundraising,
especially Event Fundraising has had to change and evolve.
In the 90’s, there were fewer
charities. This was the era of the
Mortgage Boom with money flowing everywhere.
Many affluent (aka Rich) people used charitable donations for tax
breaks. However, as the Mortgage Bubble
exploded which then in turn caused the great recession – many charities closed
their doors based on charitable donations decreasing rapidly.
Then society changed, using the
famous quote from John F. Kennedy “Ask not what your country can do for you,
ask what you can do for your country” – that message became the direct opposite
in regard to charitable fundraising.
We became a “What can you do for me”
society. Affluent people began to be
selective in regard to who they were going to donate to. In regard to Fundraising Events, a charity
now had to truly put on a show in order to get the attention of potential
donors. If you have noticed, there are
some incredible productions going on across North America in regard to Gala’s
and other charity events. As
an example, Washington D.C.’s “Fight Night.” The venue is a black tie Gala based around boxing and UFC. There is a Ring in the center of the venue and during the night, various fights occur – all in an effort to raise money.
an example, Washington D.C.’s “Fight Night.” The venue is a black tie Gala based around boxing and UFC. There is a Ring in the center of the venue and during the night, various fights occur – all in an effort to raise money.
Why do they go to these extremes? To attract the wealthy and elite from
Washington D.C. and throughout the region.
This event raises many millions but the production is incredible.
The days of hosting a successful
fundraiser at the local Fire Department or lesser venue are long gone. Also, charities need to truly step up their “Fundraising
Game.” They cannot repeat the “Same ole,
Same ole” when it comes to raising dollars to fuel their mission. They cannot use old methods to attract and
entertain new supporters and ultimately large scale donors.
Everyone wants to says and asks “We
don’t know how to get Financial Sponsors, can you help us?” Of course I can help, but first you must understand
the “Why” you are having the problem.
I will address all the important
facts on why the face of charity fundraising has changed and the remedy as well
as the problem with the solution on how
to attract large scale financial sponsors as well as affluent donors:
#1 – Financial Sponsors – As addressed
above, the competition has risen
drastically amongst charities. When someone opens a charity, they truly believe that they are an “Island amongst themselves” and as soon as they open their doors; money is going to flood in. However, this does not occur. They assume that everyone they approach will lay out large sums of money to help – again, this does not occur. They speak to companies who are not interested.
drastically amongst charities. When someone opens a charity, they truly believe that they are an “Island amongst themselves” and as soon as they open their doors; money is going to flood in. However, this does not occur. They assume that everyone they approach will lay out large sums of money to help – again, this does not occur. They speak to companies who are not interested.
Reason: You must understand, that
businesses are approached daily by numerous charities wanting donations. The business must pick and choose who they
support and ultimately donate to. If
they gave to everyone, they would soon be out of business. Charities will use the age old saying “It’s
tax deductible” however, with the new tax rulings, only 30% of their donations
are now deductible.
Remedy: Before going out looking
for donations, do you understand the “Reality” of what you are asking and do
you understand, respect and know what the sponsors want in return? Here is the reality, they will use their “Marketing
Dollars” to donate to you. They want to
be “Marketed” at your event, they will want to know where your event is
occurring and how many guests you will have.
Why do you ask is this important?
Because the larger the crowd, the more people will see their “Brand” or “Business
Name.” They want “Drivers.” What is a “Driver”? A “Driver” is something that will drive
people into their businesses – advertisement.
They want “Bang for their Buck.”
Are you prepared to give that to them?
The problem is something they all have experienced; most charities take
their money or their donated items and don’t care about marketing the individual
businesses who donate. They just take the money and they are gone. Before you start asking for Financial
Donations, prepare a flyer or some type of packet which offers Sponsors and
Donors a marketing plan at your event. If
you are unaware, go to someone who could possibly donate and ask them what they
would want in return. Just remember,
your success hinges on offering the Sponsor something in return for their
investment. Would you invest your hard earned
money if you were not guaranteed a return?
Or would you just throw it away – your mission statement no longer is
#2 – Guest Count at your Event – In a
space such as the charity world, you must understand that competition is
stiff. Let’s take for example these
states and large cities:
a. Massachusetts
- 41,686 results found
Boston - 6,952 results found
b. New York -
94,882 results found
New York City - 22,995 results found
c. Maryland -
39,008 results found
Baltimore - 6,868 results found
Washington DC - 14,172 results found
d. Florida -
97,472 results found
8,805 results found
e. Texas -
125,856 results found
you can see from the results, taken directly from the website, the competition is
incredible. Each weekend, charities in
these areas are hosting fundraising events.
The demand is intense prompting the citizens to ask “Which one should we
go to?”
this is a “What can you do for me?” society.
They will ultimately pick the event which has the highest appeal.
Reason: Many charities use the approach “If we make
our event as cheap as possible, saving us as much money as possible, while
keeping our ticket prices as low as possible, we will get a much higher guest
count and we can charge a fairly good ticket price putting more money in our
pockets.” They look for cheap venues,
donated food and drinks, utilize donated items only and their fundraising
platforms are old and tired. Since their
tickets are cheap, they only attract people who can afford a lesser priced
ticket cost. Since they are having their
event at a “Lesser Venue,” again they attract people who feel comfortable there
and not affluent guests. Since they are
having a cheap ticket, at a “Lesser Venue”, Sponsors will not be
interested. Filling a room with people
who can only afford a cheap ticket – OR – selling your tickets cheap does NOT
equal a higher profit return, in fact, it does the exact opposite. Charities raise less money because they are
not attracting the right crowd.
Remedy: Charities must ask themselves this question –
is their event a “Friend-Raiser” or a “Fundraiser”? If it’s a “Friend-Raiser” then by all means,
have an event at a lesser venue with a cheap ticket to gain support from your
community. However, if it’s a “Fundraiser”,
there are two (2) keys to attract the right guests, donors and sponsors.
a. Venue – The venue
is vital in attracting the right crowd.
People who can afford to donate, will only want to come to a nice
place. They will be not attracted to a lesser
venue. Furthermore, affluent people will
be attracted to the venue based on how nice it is. It’s the exact same reason why affluent
people prefer Ruth Chris Steakhouse over McDonalds.
b. Menu – The menu
is secondary to the Venue however, because of the mentality of “What can you do
for me?”, people will want to know what does my ticket price include? The ticket price also includes the
venue. They want good food and enough of
it. They do not want Ladies Auxiliary
Food or a “Donated Pot Luck” buffet.
People do not want a small piece of chicken, with a scoop of mashed
potatoes and a few green beans.
Now, do you want to know what guarantees
your event will be a success? This will
probably be a hard pill to swallow, but it’s the “Cornerstone” guaranteeing
success. Any guesses?
a. Ticket Price
Guarantees Success – Putting it bluntly and using a common statement I make “A
Cheap Ticket gets your Cheap People.”
The price of the ticket guarantees success and here is why. The ticket price has to be high enough to
push away people who cannot afford to donate to you. Now as “Crass” as the seems, it’s
reality. Think about it, if someone buys
a ticket, comes to your event, eats the food, has several drinks but does not
donate through any of your fundraising platforms, does this benefit you? No not at all. I call this type of person a “Grazer.” They are only coming to eat and drink and
that’s it.
b. The ticket
price must be a “Financial Hurdle” – Did you know that on many online ticketing
sales platforms, there is a prompt that says “Tickets under $150.00.” Now why is that? Because affluent people do not want to go to
events under $150.00…they want to hang out with like-minded people. Your ticket price must be high enough to push
away people who can afford to donate while “Pre-Qualifying” your guests to see
if they can donate to you. If they can
afford your ticket, they can donate.
But, don’t skimp on the meal just to put more money in your charities
pocket – give them something they will love.
Take care of them and they will take care of you.
– Donated Items vs. Consignment items – Many smaller charities feel that if
they get all the items donated for their event, they will keep 100% of the
profit. But, what the charity does not
realize or take into account is that the business had been approached 10 times
that day asking for the same thing by other charities in the area. Each charity feels they are the most
important and gives them the same line “It’s Tax Deductible.” As business owners, they don’t want to be
rude but they have to pay the bills and keep their lights on. They cannot possibly donate to everyone. So if they do donate, its something which has
not been selling in their stores or a “Gift Card” which draws people into their
business which allows them to “Upsell” them on other products. However, here is reality so gear up.
Reason: You may not agree with this, but it’s
a. Donated
Items - When you approach a business and ask for a donation, they have a
decision to make – Yes or No, its honestly that simple. If you send out letters, its easy for them to
just throw it away. If you send out
emails, it’s easy to hit Delete. If they
donate, charities believe that their guests will pay full retail for the item
or items. The reality is – donated items
are only bringing 1/8th to 1/4 of retail. People are looking for a “Deal.” Charities often receive Gift Cards as a
donation but ask yourself this “Have you ever bought a Gift Card for yourself?” No.
Another common item we see at all fundraising events are “Gift Baskets.” However, again, ask yourself this “How many
Gift Baskets did you give to your family or friends for the holidays?” None.
Everyone is looking for a “Deal” – they will buy your items but for
pennies on the dollar. Furthermore, your
event will look like a “Yard Sale.”
Remember this saying – “It’s local
people, attending your local event, with items donated by Local Businesses – if
they wanted that stuff, they would have went and bought it themselves.” They will buy it, but will want to pay
minimal for it.
Does this truly benefit your
charity? Does it hurt the donor if the
item they donated sells for next to nothing?
If the donor finds out, do you think they will donate again?
b. Consignment
Items – Many people think “Why should I pay for something when we can use
donations which we keep 100% of?” Go back and read the paragraphs above for the
answer. Do you think if there is a
$50.00 Gift Card that people will pay anything near that – OR – full retail…or
above it? Hell No!!! You need items that will attract people to
your event and that are extremely hard to find, exciting and that everyone
wants but never sees. This creates
excitement and prompts high bidding.
Here is a question “Who is really paying for the items – You or the
Winning Bidder?” The Winning Bidder and
you are getting FREE MONEY from the profit.
First understand the reality of donated
items and how they perform in charity auctions.
Then understand the need for consignment items while also understanding
how to correctly use them. Think about
this – what event will people want to attend – the one with gift baskets and
gift certificates or the one with Travel Packages to far off Beach
Destinations, autographed items and Jewelry?
Donated items certainly have a place in your fundraising event but they
must be used in a way that absolutely GUARANTEES success. Secondly, understand that when you use
consignment items, you are getting “FREE MONEY.” Plus people will be excited about your
and Gentlemen – the face of fundraising has changed. You have to have a fresh new approach while
keeping an open mind on what are the current trends. People like “Exciting”, they love a nice
place to go to with good food. They like
great items to bid on, they like a well-produced event. No one likes “Boring.” Financial Sponsors are drawn to these types
of events due to the marketing potential.
There are ways to absolutely ensure that your event will be successful
BUT you have to be open minded enough to allow for these changes or you will be
caught on the fundraising Hamster Wheel with little return.
BW Unlimited Charity Fundraising can and will absolutely ensure that you and your
event is incredibly successful both financially and also through your guests
experience. BW Unlimited understands how
to best utilize donated items to ensure that you receive 10 times the retail
price instead of 1/8th to 1/4 through various means in your
fundraising event. Remember, you live a
full time life with a full time job and full time commitments and a full time
family – are you up on all the current fundraising trends and successful
tactics? Call in the Big Guns – BW Unlimited
Charity Fundraising will knock it out of the ballpark for you.
BW Unlimited Charity Fundraising is a North American Charity Fundraising Leader in
a convenient “One Stop Shop” setting. We
can help you and your charity with everything from beginning to end – check out
our website at to
find out more.
us at, email
George at or
call at 443.206.6121, we would love to help you.
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